
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Birthdays in repose

Happy 50 Birthday to David Foster Wallace
You can check out a handful of short stories and other writings from the New Yorker here.
The David Foster Wallace Audio Project is well worth checking out.
The very funny, fairly well-known cruise piece is here via Harper's.
Also The Awl's 46 things to do do/see on DFW's 50th is pretty comprehensive.

My brother, who is ten years younger than I am and happens to attend the same college at which I work, swung by my desk in the library last week and asked if I had any David Foster Wallace books in my office as his professor in the previous class on media had mentioned DFW and my brother, Kyle, wanted to check out his, DFW's, writings as he wasn't particularly familiar, a request that I was only to happy to oblige Kyle though the size of Infinite Jest was a wee bit intimidating Kyle did walk away with This is Water and Oblivion.
This is what I
am trying to say that
at 50 David Foster Wallace still matters.
A lot.
 Last but not least.

Happy 105th Birthday to W.H. Auden

You can read a lovely poem by Auden Law Like Love here, courtesy of Alan Jacobs.

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